Diagnostic Process
understands a given behaviour as the result of a complex, dynamic-interactionistic and reciprocal process of family, child, and further environment, such as school and peers. For that reason the diagnostic process necessarily has to explore the environmental conditions in family and school, as well as the childs personality. Below find some examples for the overall procedural methods in certain problem-siuations.
If children do not follow parents and/or teachers advice:
Familial background and school carreer are explored by an initial problem finding interview. We carve out the central question and analyze the childs behavior and personality, as well as the environmental conditions in family and school, by anamnestic interview, questionnaire, as well as observations, if needed. In some cases we use clinical tests and diagnosis instruments to exclude clinical reasons, such as developmental disorders and general or specific fears.
If children are not able to concentrate in school and/or on homework:
Familial background and school carreer are explored by an initial problem finding interview with parents. We carve out the central question and analyze the childs behavior and the environmental conditions in family and school by anamnestic interview, questionnaire, as well as observations, if needed. We use clinical tests and diagnosis instruments to make sure about the reason: Inappropriate learning environment, general and specific fears, or a specific developmental disorder (mainly AD(H)D).
If children show a lack in learning motivation and/or success in school:
We analyze the environmental conditions of learning and growing by an initial problem finding interview with with parents. We hold an anamnestic interview with the child, in addition to the application of clinical tests and other diagnosis instruments, to make sure about the reasons: Problems with the learning environment or a specific learning disorder in cognitive skills (e.g. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia).
If adolescents are not sure about choice of carreer
We explore personality, special interests, and talents by interview, questionnaires, and psychological tests. We discuss goods and bads of thinkable options to make sure that the decsion finding process fits the environmental background.
is headquartered in Cairo, but works also allover Egypt.