The Interview
understands coaching as a process, which is based on a comprehensive analysis of behavior, personality, and the environmental conditions, in family as well as in school and with peers. One-on-one interviews are the central method to explore, to analyse and to work on a given problem, resp. situation. Below find the description of several types of the one-on-one interview and the cases in which they are used.
Initial Problem-finding Interview
Before any coaching can start, we need to carve out what exactly is the problem to be solved. It is understood as an informal talk where you explain the situation and its meaning for your daily life activities. The initial problem solving interview must be done in a personal setting and can not be done via telephone or email. If we find out that your problem is of a kind that we could support you in solving it, after some days you will get a short written report about how we defined your problem, including an open bid about a probable and preliminary coaching plan.
Diagnostic Interview
A diagnostic interview is a form of an one-on-one interview used to find out reasons for certain aspects of a given problem situation. It is done in a highly strucutred manner and always a part of the diagnostic process (learn more). It has to be done before any treatment starts, and may includes a phonecall or talk with the teacher of your child.
Planning, Supervising and Evaluation Interview-Session
After finishing the diagnostic process, the results are discussed with the clients in a planning session. All aspects of the findings, recommendation/advices
of the need for a certain kind of treatment are explaind. We discuss it detailed and come to an agreement about the further steps. In cases you decide to take part in an intensive
training course about changing the behavior of your child, supervising interview sessions are needed to discuss your experiences and advances during the
ongoing behavior changing process.
If a given treatment is done and lasted over a long period of time e.g. several monthes, such an interview session is used best as a
closing meeting, in which the process at all and the advance in dealing with the problem is evaluated.
Problem-solving Interview
If the given problem is mainly a problem of a parent, clearly defined and of a single (educational) topic, one may can be supported to solve
it by one-on-one interviews only. In this case the interviews have the character of a guided talk/discussion, they are opened and closed with a
certain question regarding the problem.
A problem-solving interview may also be used with a target child to improve the effectiveness of the applicated education methods.
Therapeutical Interview
To help a child to handle a traumatic experience, the one-one-one interview is used as a therapeutical instrument as well. In this case it takes part in a playing environment while the child is stimulated to express its feelings through drawing or role playing.
is headquartered in Cairo, but works also allover Egypt.