A training is a clearly defined, closed program to improve a competence in a certain field of cognitive abilities, in which a child shows a crucial lack of achievement. A training last over a certain period of time and makes sense only if done with its complete package and after prior diagnosis session.
offers trainings for children with a clear diagnosis of certain developmental disorders. See below our regularely available trainings.
Paying Attention
This training is a closed program for children with crucial deficits in paying attention, also called "Attentio Deficit Disorder (ADD)". The training is based on
the German program "Training mit aufmerksamkeitsgestörten Kindern" created by Professor Lauth, which is known as the most powerful and up-to-date
program in Germany at all.
Hella Schick (PhD) took a certified training of that program by Professor Lauth (University of Cologne/Germany), and
adopted the materials and lessons to the English language and the Egyptian cultural background.
Self Regulation
This training is a closed program for children with crucial deficits in regulation their motoric activity and socio-emotional behavior, also
known as "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)". The training is based on
the German program "Therapieprogramm für Kinder mit hyperkinetischem und
oppositionellem Problemverhalten (THOP)" created by Professor Doepfner (University of Cologne/Germany),
which is known as the most powerful and up-to-date program in Germany at all.
Hella Schick (PhD) took courses about the program and her psychology exames in clinical psychology at the University of Cologne/Germany, and
adopted the materials and lessons to the English language and the Egyptian cultural background.
German Language Acquisition
This training is a closed program for children with crucial deficits in reading and writing skills, also known as "Dyslexia". The training is based on the program
"Lautgetreue Lese- und Rechtschreibförderung" by Carola Reuter-Liehr, and can also be applied to preschool-children with a crucial lack regarding German language acquisition.
Hella Schick (PhD) shows a 10 year experience in teaching and examinig university-students about Dyslexia.
The training-program was frequently used to train Egyptian pupils attending German schools with excellent results.
Calculation Skills
This training is a closed program for children with crucial deficits in calculation skills, also known as "Dyscalculia". The program follows the
quality criterias formulated by the "Zentrum zur Therapie der Rechenschwäche (ZTR)"
headquartered in Berlin/Germany (
Hella Schick (PhD) shows a 10 year experience in teaching and examinig university-students about Dyscalculia.
is headquartered in Cairo, but works also allover Egypt.
- Lauth/Schlottke: Training mit aufmerksamkeitsgestörten Kindern; 6., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage; Beltz 2009, learn more.
- Döpfner/Schürmann/Frölich: Therapieprogramm für Kinder mit hyperkinetischem und oppositionellem Problemverhalten (THOP); 5., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage; Beltz 2013, learn more.
- Reuter-Liehr: Lautgetreue Lese- und Rechtschreibförderung; 3. Auflage; Winkler-Verlag 2008, learn more
- Wieneke: Qualitätskriterien für Dyskalkulietherapeuten und Therapieeinrichtungen für Rechenstörungen; pdf-online-Ressource 2014, learn more